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hi, i'm jordan, a mutidisciplinary artist living in los angeles, ca.

i graduated from usc school of cinematic arts with a degree in writing for screen and television in 2015, and then proceeded to get a job at a law firm that ended up being a billion times better than working in the entertainment industry. turns out i really like having a desk and a salary and predictable hours and heathcare benefits.

but just because i have a straight-laced office job doesn't mean i don't like to do art.

on the contrary, i have way more headspace for it now that it's not a requirement for me. funny how that worked out.

anyway, i made this site on the off chance i have work i want to link to (since I don't have traditional social media. this is by choice.) as a taste, you can check out some of my photography here.

sorry if this site is a bit funky; i literally learned to code from neopets.

contact me.

• blog at spacehey.

• see my letterboxd.

commission info.

• look at my linkedin? i guess?

• coding template from

World's Most Perfect Animal

jordan lyric

artist, writer, hobbyist, and retro enthusiast.


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best viewed on desktop.

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